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EndNote Library extras

Right-click on My Groups > Create a Group > Rename it

Click on a citation to highlight it 

Drag it to the relevant group/s

An important citation might be relevant for multiple projects, so you can drag it to multiple groups

Remove a citation from a group

Click on the citation to highlight it
Right-click > ‘Remove References From Group
Click Yes
Note: the citation is not deleted, it goes back into the Unfiled group

When searching across multiple databases, there may be duplicate references. To complete a thorough literature search keep track of the number of duplicates.  

Go to Menu bar and click Edit then Select All (all citations should be highlighted in green)

Go to Menu bar and click Library then Find duplicates

Compare duplicatesEndNote will display duplicate citations side by side. Click ‘Keep this Reference’ of whichever record has more detail, for example, an abstract. If EndNote falsely identified a duplicate, click Skip

Search for an existing citation already imported into the EndNote library

Search for a Title / Abstract / PDF / PDF notes / Any Field

Click the dropdown menu to choose the field

Type a word or phrase into the search box

Click on Search

Highlight the citation you want to delete
Drag the citation into Trash or right click and select Move Reference to Trash

All References contains every single imported reference. It includes citations in Groups, and Unfiled.

If a reference is deleted from a group, it is removed from that group only. It remains in Unfiled or any other Groups as well as All References

Citations deleted from All References go into Trash and will be removed from all groups 

Deleted citations will stay in Trash until you empty Trash

It is possible to retrieve deleted citations from Trash and return them to All References or a group

Do not delete citations that are still in use in a Word document. It will cause errors the next time the Word document is opened.