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Location	Number Austin Health - Austin Hospital	1A selection of eJournals related to CALD. 
For a full list of NSLHD ejournal subscriptions go to Springboard. 

Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology

Seeks to advance the psychological science of culture, ethnicity, and race through the publication of empirical research.

Ethnicity and Health (Full text delay due to publisher restrictions ("embargo")

Publishes original papers from the full range of disciplines concerned with investigating the relationship between ’ethnicity’ and ’health’ and covers issues of culture, religion, gender, class, migration, lifestyle and racism, in so far as they relate to health and its anthropological and social aspects.

Journal of Best Practices In Health Professions Diversity

Provides a forum for the discussion of factors that promote or constrain the development and sustainability of a diverse health professions workforce. The journal is directed toward educators, policy makers and the health community.

Journal of Cultural Diversity

A journal for educators, researchers, and practitioners interested in cultural diversity and the delivery of care, program development, policy formulation, and all related research matters. 

Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work

Dedicated to the examina­tion of multicultural social issues as they relate to social work policy, research, theory, and practice. 

Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health

An international forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original research pertaining to immigrant health from diverse fields including public health, epidemiology, medicine and nursing, sociology, population research, immigration law, and ethics.